Clubs TPT (Taiwanese Puppet Trope) We perform puppet shows to all varieties of audiences. Around 2-time-practice for every performance. @Li-Lin & Hero’s place 😍😍😍 Facebook Page 壘球社 (TAM Softball team) 地點:Jefferson Middle High School時間:每星期六下午2點 Contact 王劭群 麥城台灣人歡樂排球社 大家一起來打排球地點:UW-Madison Nick時間:每星期六早上10點~12點All skill level welcome! Facebook Group 麥城台灣郎ㄟ籃球社 J丟係麥城台灣郎ㄟ籃球討論區啦~~ 歡迎愛籃球的熱血青年(老頭!?)一起加入分享任何跟籃球有關的訊息。地點:UW-Madison Nick時間:每星期六早上10點~12點 Facebook Group 麥城歹丸郎歡樂羽球社 羽球every day育樂團地點:UW-Madison Nick 3rd floor時間:每星期天早上10點All skill level welcome! Facebook Group 台灣人的網球社 成員: 目前固定成員約 3~4位Outdoors地點: Lakeshore Tennis Courts, Shorewood Hills Tennis Courts, Rennebohm Tennis CourtsIndoor地點:Nielsen Tennis Stadium時間:一周1~2次,FB群組上糾團 Contact 孟謙 紀錄片社 (麥城瘋台灣 Mad About Taiwan) 麥城瘋臺灣這個社團,希望能透過臺灣紀錄片來關心這片有著我們成長記憶的土地,同時也去了解屬於臺灣的過去、未來和現在。 Facebook Group TUSO (Taiwanese Undergraduate Student Association) Meet the Taiwanese Undergrads in Madison!We hold lots of fun activities! Facebook Page TAM (Taiwanese Association of Madison) Taiwanese Association of Madison-WI was established in the 1950s by graduate students at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Since then, it has grown to serve the city of Madison and to include Taiwanese people of all ages as well as friends of Taiwan. Facebook Page 北美臺灣研究學會 威斯康辛分會 North American Taiwan Studies Association – Wisconsin Chapter (NATSA-WIC) Website